


美女主播香香勇夺《穿越火线》WCGgirl后冠 2010-08-09 10:15:10  《穿越火线》(以下简称:CF)2010WCG上海总决赛刚刚落下帷幕,WCG girl选拔赛中究竟花落谁家备受万千玩家瞩目。无论是在CF WCG宣传视频中惊艳亮相的“性感女神”母其弥雅,还是“CF荣誉玩家”美女主播香香都拥有超高人气。日前,美女主播香香技压群芳在WCG girl选拔赛中脱颖而出一举拔得头筹成为2010WCG girl。选拔赛中众美云集,香香凭借何种法宝能够勇夺后冠?笔者带你一探究竟。 香香与母其弥雅   法宝一:千丝万缕铸就超夯人气   只要接触过CF的玩家一定不会对“香香”这个名字感到陌生。无论是最初的美女主播选拔,还是第一支进入公众眼帘的CF女子战队,以及WCG大赛中首次女性解说的亮相和CF荣誉玩家的入选,香香的傲人成绩受到了大家的肯定。她与CF千丝万缕的联系中逐步走向了“人气女王”的宝座。 香香比赛照片   法宝二:阳光清新惹人怜爱   网络时代的到来,“犀利哥”与“凤姐”的迅速走红和销声匿迹让我们见识到娱乐审美的重心回归到“清纯可人”。香香正是如此:靓丽甜美的长相、活泼外向的性格,外加幽默动人的言语,如一股山林之清风迅速打入各方宅男心中成为新一代女神。 香香生活照片    法宝三:拼搏努力能力不俗   她是2009穿越火线冠军杯宝贝选拔赛冠军;她是2009穿越火线WCG女子组冠军队队长;她是2010穿越火线冠军杯美女主播大赛冠军;她是CF终身荣誉会员;现在,她是WCG girl...这种种令人动容荣誉,香香付出的是不为大众所知的努力与拼搏。这样一个努力向上拼搏不止的女子,仿若落入凡间的精灵,让人怜爱与钦佩。她有精湛的技术,她更有面对困难永不妥协的执着。她用自己的实力与努力赢得了众多“香粉”的呵护与喜爱。 香香靓丽照片   虽然获得了WCG girl,但是阳光可爱的香香一定不会停下自己追逐梦想的脚步。拥有制胜法宝的香香一定会取得更加傲人的成绩。  让我们和“香粉”一起祝福香香越走越好!  。






ooo I feel so unsure as I take your hand and lead you to the dance floor as the music dies, something in your eyes calls to mind the silver screen and all its sad good-byes I'm never gonna dance again guilty feet have got no rhythm though it's easy to pretend I know your not a fool Should've known better than to cheat a friend and waste the chance that I've been given so I'm never gonna dance again the way I danced with you ooo Time can never mend the careless whispers of a good friend to the heart and mind ignorance is kind there's no comfort in the truth pain is all you'll find I'm never gonna dance again guilty feet have got no rhythm though it's easy to pretend I know your not a fool Should've known better than to cheat a friend and waste this chance that I've been given so I'm never gonna dance again the way I danced with you Never without your love Tonight the music seems so loud I wish that we could lose this crowd Maybe it's better this way We'd hurt each other with the things we'd want to say We could have been so good together We could have lived this dance forever But noone's gonna dance with me Please stay And I'm never gonna dance again guilty feet have got no rhythm though it's easy to pretend I know your not a fool Should've known better than to cheat a friend and waste the chance that I've been given so I'm never gonna dance again the way I danced with you (Now that you're gone) Now that you're gone (Now that you're gone) What I did's so wrong that you had to leave me alone The End。



When I was younger I used to be wild As wild as an elephant\'s child No one could hold me down No one could keep me around Now it\'s your turn, take a shot Baby show me everything that you got Maybe you can keep me alive Maybe you can get in my mind But it\'s only a matter of time Before I run far away I need to take a holiday Maybe it\'s a fall from grace I gotta find a new place A holiday I\'ll set off on a new chase I gotta see a new face I need to take a holiday My father, he was always wise As wise as an elephant\'s eyes He couldn\'t hold me down He couldn\'t keep me around So are you gonna take your shot? It\'s the only one that you got Maybe I\'ll go out on a limb Maybe I\'ll jump in for a swim When the lights go dim You know I\'ll run far away I need to take a holiday Maybe it\'s a fall from grace I gotta find a new place A holiday I\'ll set off on a new chase I gotta see a new face I need to take a holiday (Need to take a holiday) Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa A new start I\'ve broken too many hearts And I don\'t have any clue where to go I don\'t know But maybe I\'ll be back someday after my holiday When I was younger I used to be wild As wild as an elephant\'s child And I don\'t think I\'ll ever change I think I\'m gonna stay the same I\'ll run far away I need to take a holiday (need to take a holiday) Maybe it\'s a fall from grace I gotta find a new place A holiday I\'ll set off on a new chase (set off on a new chase) I gotta see a new face A new start I\'ve broken too many hearts And I don\'t have any clue where to go I don\'t know But maybe I\'ll be back someday after my holiday All of the wasted time The hours that were left behind The answers that we\'ll never find。






