


组装的话,考虑以下几点就可以了. 主机cpu:这个价格首先处理器至少I7 速度

3、0Ghz左右 显卡:玩游戏对显卡要求高 所以组装电脑要找高配置的显卡 内存:内存条自己根据需要安装,8G内存绝壁够你用,玩大型游戏一般不会报内存溢出 硬盘:一般500G就可以了,1T的也不少 显示器:分辨率高些就好,看你直播人也能看的清晰 这样你这台机子就是高配了,玩游戏、直播毫无压力。



I grew up on the host full of respect for this profession. When the host so nice, every day feeling must be great on TV! And all the host of TV knowledgeable, eloquent. Of course, the ideal is the ideal after all, only the efforts of the ideal to reality, not just say do not do. I think that to be a good host, it should be from now on learn the basics, not only to learn well, you should see more extracurricular books, more read useful books, an increase of extra-curricular knowledge; and to develop a comprehensive, broad interests learn a director; also should be more practice, more practice and improve their courage and perseverance, exercise bold character; more require a lot of reading, exercise eloquence; Qin in writing, to improve the level coursework.。
